The Planning Appeal process has begun

April 10, 2019, 3:59 pm

As you may recall, at the council meeting of 14th February 2019 the original planning application made by Punch Partnerships (PML) Ltd to demolish our much loved pub was unanimously rejected and the council also agreed to contest the appeal that Punch had already lodged.

The appeal will be considered by the Planning inspectorate; an independent executive agency of the UK Government. We have now received confirmation that the Planning Inspectorate has, appointed a case officer; will use the written representations procedure; and that the official starting date was 4th April 2019.

The inspectorate has now written to Bromley Council and instructed them that by 11th April 2019 they must notify any person who was originally notified or consulted about the application and any other interested persons who made representations about the application*: -

  1. That this appeal has been made.
  2. That any previous comments made at the application stage will be sent to and considered by the Inspector and that any further additional comments must be made by 9th May 2019.
  3. Final comments from Bromley Council and Punch must be received by 23rd May 2019.
  4. An Inspector will visit the appeal site (we may or may not be informed of this in advance)




So that is all of you; the friends of SaveTheChelsfield who submitted all of your wonderful objections and comments to the Bromley Council planning portal, you will shortly receive a letter from the council outlining the above!

Further details of planning appeals dealt with by the written representations process can be found in the booklet here:
Planning Appeals Dealt With By Written Representations - Taking Part


What happened next?

We #SaveTheChelsfield (STC) are in the process of preparing a written representation that we will submit to the planning inspectorate via their on-line portal and we encourage you all to do the same. The process is very similar to before; simply access the government website, enter you name and address and submit your objection; you can either type this directly on the screen or upload/submit a previously prepared document.

However, this time round, we must all focus our objections on material subjects; the Inspector can only take into account information and evidence that is relevant to the appeal and in our case that means we must focus only on the seven reasons why the council rejected the original planning application; sorry but “I Love my pub!” is not going to achieve anything this time round.

Click Here for the page with the Magnificent Seven Reasons to help you complete your representation to the Planning Inspectorate - there are also some ideas on both our Facebook account, our Twitter account and here on our shiny new web site, please use these in your own words!

(Keep checking the news section for updates)

For those of you who want to dive straight in please see our Guide to completing Planning Inspectorate Representations then make your representations online here: -

Click HERE to go directly to the Planning Inspectorate case  - click the top right button “Make representation” (please be patient, the Case site takes a while to load!) - once the representations page is loaded, there is an almost blank page and you then have to click on the "Save and Continue" button to start the process!! 

If the above link doesn't work for you, please click the following link: - then enter enter “3221236” in the top right box, then follow the same instructions above

Our Case Number is APP/G5180/W/19/3221236

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