#STC News
Punch Partnerships (PML) Ltd lodged an appeal with the Planning Inspectorate.
There was a development on the 28th of January; you may have noticed on the Bromley Planning Portal that the Appeal Status changed to “Appeal Lodged”. On that date WYG Planning, acting as agent for Punch Partnerships (...
One of our colleagues met with the News Shopper a little earlier today.
You can read the story by clicking here!
The campaign to #SaveTheChelsfield gets a boost when Jo Johnson MP visits The Chelsfield to meet with us. After a productive meeting this photo was taken with some of the regulars, staff and campaign organisers - Jo is centre
Punch submit plans to demolish The Chelsfield
This article was published today in the News Shopper
It is the first time the Manager and Patrons of The Chelsfield become aware of the plans that were submitted on 17 October 2018 by Punch Partnerships (PML) Ltd:-
Demolition of existing building a...